Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our use of database tools

For application development for build, tests, and debugs PL/SQL packages, procedures, triggers, and functions we use TOAD (http://www.toadsoft.com/toad_oracle.htm).

The TOAD-application comes both as a freeware and commercial solution. With the TOAD application developer can create and edit database objects such as tables, views, indexes, constraints, and users. TOADs SQL Editor provides an easy and efficient way to write and test scripts and queries, and its powerful data grids provide an easy way to view and edit Oracle data. TOra (http://tora.sourceforge.net/) and SQL Nexus (http://www.codeplex.com/sqlnexus) are tools that help the developer to identify the root cause of SQL Server performance issues. TOra is open-source and SQL Nexus is commercial products. Both tools can dramatically reduce the amount of time spend manually analyzing data. TOra is definitely one of the most mature open-source applications TOra is defined as a multi-platform database management GUI that supports accessing most of the common database platforms in use. Today TORa is a well-known standard for Nets developers.

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